Sponsor Profile: Dr. Monica Diedrich Ph.D.

Dr. Monica Diedrich

Dr. Monica Diedrich

Dr. Monica Diedrich, Pet Communicator, knew she could hear animals speak ever since she was eight years old. Since 1990, her work has been devoted exclusively to the well-being of animals.

She holds the degree of Doctor of Metaphysics and is an ordained minister. Studying Eastern traditions developed her understanding of the natural interconnection between humans and animals, as well as demonstrating the importance of attaining healing at all three levels — physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

In addition to providing both introductory and private consultations, Dr. Monica Diedrich presents seminars and teaches classes. She’s also written five books about how to help animals heal, and about the art of animal communication. She’s been a guest on various radio shows and is a regular contributor to several TV shows. She knows how to communicate with pets and animals. She can find missing pets as well.

Dr. Monica Offers:
Private Consultations | Group Sessions | Lectures | Workshops | Online Courses | Lost & Missing Pets | Books & CDs | Gift Certificates

What We Can Do Together

  • Discover what’s important in your pet’s life
  • Understand and resolve behavior issues
  • Clear up any miscommunications and confusion
  • Come to a better understanding and appreciation of each other
  • Discuss changes in your pet’s life due to divorce, marriage, or moving
  • Ease the transition of bringing a new pet into your home
  • Discover whether or not your present friend will accept another pet
  • Understand what your adopted pet’s life was like before he or she came to live with you
  • Find help with problems such as your pet’s shyness, over-eating, hyperactivity, or illness
  • Find out how your deaf or blind pet is coping with his or her special challenge and how you might be able to help
  • Discover how your pet feels about euthanasia and other end-of-life decisions
  • Ease their transition from earthly experience into the world of spirit
  • Heal grief, both before and after the death of a loved one
  • Find out how your deceased animal friend is doing
  • Discover if there’s anything special your pet wants to share with you.