The Diane McClay Show: Empowering Life Through Choice: Happy Thinking Healthy Life - Master Your Mindset and Get $#it Done!

The Diane McClay Show: Empowering Life Through Choice: Happy Thinking Healthy Life - Master Your Mindset and Get $#it Done!

  12/23/2022  01:00 pm PDT

The Diane McClay Show: Empowering Life Through Choice: Happy Thinking Healthy Life - Master Your Mindset and Get $#it Done!Holiday Food- Holiday Stress- Holiday Burnout


Is it possible to get through this busy time of the year without the pressure of eating, saying or doing the right  or wrong thing? Absolutely!


We bring you another look at Happy Thinking, Healthy Life with simple and easy steps to pace yourself through the holidays in a way that puts you in control of you and how you respond to old triggers.  Oddly, we don't hear this enough:  you have more choice in your life than you are taught or led to believe.   If you can control your breath, you can control (AND CHANGE) your thoughts to live a happier and more positive life.


Who doesn't want a less stressful visit home for the holidays?  


Thoughts Become Things- says author Matthew Luccetti.  What you think about you bring about.  If you focus on the negative at the holidays, you'll only be able to see the negative. If you choose to shift your perspective and look through the positive and non-judgemental lens, you'll start to see your relatives, and situations in a different way.


You can guide and direct your personal wellness with the 3 steps of the Steiner Self Reflection model: observation, preparation and Recovery.   My guest Dr. Kate Steiner is confident she can help you create your own recovery formula when you start with observing how you feel when you are in stressful situations.


You can use the CALM Method anytime you notice you’re feeling an unwanted emotion
or when you want to feel better about a situation or circumstance in your life as Nikki Gangemi teaches to manage your mind and reset your reactions!


Join us for a robust conversation from 4 authors who joined together to collaborate on an easy to read book to help you live the life you want to live, with purpose, meaning and a lot less stress!  Take us home for the holidays... trust me. You won't regret it.



Diane McClay host on Transformation Talk Radio

Diane McClay

The Diane McClay Show - Empowering Life Through Choice As women, we juggle many demands from our work environments, personal lives, and communities. The feelings of being un...

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 Matthew Luccetti

Matthew Luccetti

Matthew Lucchetti is an Independent Promoter for Pruvit who has achieved Rank 6 inthe company, earning the designation of CoC or Circle of Champions. He is a leader,public s...

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 Nikki  Gangemi

Nikki Gangemi

From actress to teacher to entrepreneur, Nikki Gangemi knows what it takes to make those big pivots and has found a way to accelerate her success from the inside out, to bec...

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Dr. Kate  Steiner

Dr. Kate Steiner

Dr. Kate is a Burnout Recovery Coach, and founder of LIFT Wellness Consulting. She supports professional women who are burdened by burnout to recovery through a guided refle...

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