Archived Episodes
The Energy to Heal: Find Lasting Freedom From Stress and Trauma Through Energy Medicine Y...
We all struggle with stress and most of us have had at least one traumatic experience in our lives. It takes a lot of energy to get through these experiences, and most of us don't fully process or release that ener...
The Shamanic Soul: A Guidebook for Self-Exploration, Healing, and Mysticism with Daniel M...
Written by an authentic practitioner of Peruvian shamanism, this beginner-friendly book is a one-stop training course in the shamanic arts. Daniel Moler teaches you shamanism through non-appropriative methods, incl...
The Power of Yet with Special Guest Lysa Beltz
We don’t know what we are learning… yet!
The Ultimate Guide to Channeling: Practical Techniques to Connect with Your Spirit Guides...
Channeling is the ability to communicate with angels, spirit guides, ascended masters, and beings in spiritual realms. The Ultimate Guide to Channeling teaches you how to develop this advanced intuitive skill with ...
Origins of the Gods: with Gregory L Little
Origins of the Gods: Qesem Cave, Skinwalkers, and Contact with Transdimensional Intelligences! An Investigation into the Earliest Forms of Shamanism and Sacred Sites as Connections to Extraterrestrial Intel...
Shamanic Breathwork: The Nature of Change with Linda Star Wolf
In Shamanic Breathwork, The Nature of Change, Linda Star Wolf in partnership with her husband, Nikolaus Wolf, not only bring you their decades-worth of teachings and experience, they bring tog...
Sun Signs, Houses & Healing: Build Resilience and Transform Your Life through Astrology w...
Uniting sun sign traits with the twelve houses, this book teaches you how to accomplish three important things: transformation, healing, and resiliency. Each chapter focuses on a sign and a house, exploring them se...
Angels Help you Blossom with The Angel Lady Sue Storm
May flowers are in bloom. Is your life purpose in bloom as well? Angels will help your life blossom into a higer-purpose reality. Bradley, Angel of Purpose, assists in a search to identify a life's path and encoura...
Becoming a Garment of Isis: A Nine-Stage Initiatory Path of Egyptian Spirituality with Na...
Offering a practical guide to the key principles within the Egyptian temple tradition, Naomi Ozaniec explores the process of creating and developing a personal relationship with the Neteru, the divinities and force...
Find Your Twin Flame: Understand and Connect to Your Soul's Other Half with Leslie Sampson
More than a soul mate, your twin flame is the only soul that has the same spiritual DNA as yours—the piece that is crucial to your soul’s evolution. Leslie Sampson helps you to not only identify your tw...
Mental Health & Master Life Coach Certification with David Essel
“Mental Health Coach Certification”, is now available. You can do this certification 1-on-1 with David from anywhere in the world, or in a group setting. With the demand for mental health care s...
Essentials of Medical Intuition: A Visionary Path to Wellness with Wendie Colter
Are you a wellness professional experiencing burnout, frustration, and disillusionment with the current healthcare systems? Or are you a patient or client who is curious about seeking answers to your health i...
Whole Body Vibration for Calming Inflammation with Becky Chambers
Becky presents compelling evidence that Whole Body Vibration can not only lower inflammation but also stimulate your immune system to keep your body in tiptop shape, and with none of the side effects that often acc...
The Beauty Witch's Secrets: Recipes & Rituals for the Modern Goddess with Alise Marie
Become your most spellbinding self, inside and out, through every stage of your life. Alise Marie guides you into her inner sanctum, where you'll enjoy empowerment and practical magick that elevates your beauty rou...
Unlock your secret power and heal the earth with ONE thing with Guest Zalah
Zalah will discuss the webinar he recorded for Earth Day, and how we can all come together as individuals to bring balance back to nature and our homes. Watch live on Facebook.
The Energy of Racism with Brett Bevell
What are the energetic and unseen aspects of racism that keep us bound into unconscious conditioned responses that diminish the humanity of people of color. Watch live on Facebook.
Spirits Unveiled: A Fresh Perspective on Angels, Guides, Ghosts & More with Michelle Welch
From ancestors and animal spirits to elementals and extraterrestrials, Spirits Unveiled presents an impressive variety of energetic beings and teaches you how to connect with them. Michelle W...
PETA on Importing Monkeys-Dr. Jones Engel! Public Trust in The Press-Dovid Efune!
Dr. Lisa Jones-Engel discusses the scientific & puplice health consequences when monkeys are imported & bred by the National Primate Research Centers. PETA on why federally-funded primate laboratories must ...
Findhorn Spirit Oracle Cards by Swan Treasure
The Findhorn community has cultivated a loving partnership with the subtle realms since its very beginning when one of the founders, Dorothy Maclean (1920-2020), began communicating with the devic world in the orig...
Ozark Mountain Spell Book: Folk Magic & Healing and Ozark Folk Magic: Plants, Prayers, an...
Ozark Folk Magic invites you to experience traditional hillfolk practices through the eyes of an authentic practitioner. Discover how to optimize your healing work and spells according to the moon cycles, zodiac si...
Belief, Being, and Beyond with Granddaughter Crow
Belief, Being, and Beyond: Your Journey to Questioning Ideas, Deconstructing Concepts & Healing from Harmful Belief Systems is an illuminating guide encourages you to delve into a variety of belief sys...
Living an Intuitively Inspired Life…with Kimberly Barrett
How many of us run through life on automatic pilot, doing the same thing every day, not being fully present and feeling like life has no meaning for us. Many of us finding ourselves feeling blocked, stuck and like ...
Intuition at Work: Trust Your Gut to Get Ahead in Business & in Life with Melanie Barnum
Discover effective strategies for manifesting money, increasing professional influence, bringing out positivity in others, calming your nerves, and trusting your instincts. Explore what matters most to clients and ...
Modern Guide to Mudras: Create Balance and Blessings in the Palm of Your Hands with Dr. A...
Fill your life with grace and joy using one of humanity’s oldest forms of magic, meditation, and communion with spirit—mudras. Popular author Alexandra Chauran reveals that all the power you need is rig...