Hearts Center Talk Radio with Host David Christopher Lewis: Annie Kagan on The Afterlife of Billy Fingers and Beyond

Hearts Center Talk Radio with Host David Christopher Lewis: Annie Kagan on The Afterlife of Billy Fingers and Beyond

  11/05/2014  09:00 am PDT

Annie Kagan is not a medium or a psychic. She did not die and come back to life. Yet Annie goes beyond the living to answer one of life's most elusive questions: "What happens after we die?" Annie tells David the extraordinary story of her after-death communications ADC with her brother. Her book, The Afterlife of Billy Fingers: How My Bad-Boy Brother Proved to Me There's Life After Death, is one of the most detailed after-death communications ever recorded. It started when she was awakened by her deceased brother Billy just weeks after his sudden death. As he began speaking to her she thought maybe she had gone a little crazy. Her insights and story will comfort and amaze you.


David Christopher Lewis

David Christopher Lewis

Hearts Center Talk Radio with David Christopher Lewis Wednesdays 9am pacific 12pm easternThe Hearts Center is a worldwide community of heartfriends co-creating a new solar r...

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 Annie Kagan

Annie Kagan

Annie Kagan began writing songs at the age of fourteen. At fifteen, she was signed by a producer from Columbia Records. At sixteen, she was performing in New York City cafes...

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